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Travel Trends – The Ins and Outs of 2024-2025

Travel Trends – The Ins and Outs of 2024-2025

Travel Trends – The Ins and Outs of 2024-2025
If there’s one thing I know about marketing, it’s that if you aren’t ahead of the curve, then the curve will leave you behind, and you’ll be left wondering why your message is not resonating with your audience and deciphering internet memes and online slang that make no sense to you.
4 min. READ
Travel Trends – The Ins and Outs of 2024-2025
If there’s one thing I know about marketing, it’s that if you aren’t ahead of the curve, then the curve will leave you behind, and you’ll be left wondering why your message is not resonating with your audience and deciphering internet memes and online slang that make no sense to you.
4 minutes READ

If there’s one thing I know about marketing, it’s that if you aren’t ahead of the curve, then the curve will leave you behind, and you’ll be left wondering why your message is not resonating with your audience and deciphering internet memes and online slang that make no sense to you.

At VI, as the experts on all things travel and tourism, it’s important to remind ourselves of what is actually going on in the tourism industry. What’s cool? What are people looking for? What’s so 2023? As National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) kicks off, I decided to dive into the travel and tourism trend forecasts for the rest of 2024 and in to 2025, thus getting ahead of the curve. In my research, I discovered a few themes that are prevalent within the tourism industry: solo travel, health and wellness, eco-friendly travel + sustainability, gig-tripping, cultural immersion, film + movie tourism and destination dupes.

To help make sense of all this, let’s take a look at the ins and outs of 2024 – 2025. And what better way to showcase trends than in the format of a trend itself?!


  • Exploring cities on bikes or scooters and walking to attractions
  • Stargazing, Astro-tourism and staying in places that have a small environmental footprint (hello, yurts!)
  • Analog adventures - taking pictures on a film or disposable camera instead of an iPhone (31% of 18 – 24-year-olds in the US take a film camera with them on trips)
  • Staying in lodges/hotels/Airbnbs that are destinations in their own right (+70% increase in “staycation hotel” searches on Pinterest among Gen Z/Millennials)
  • Having space for your family to spread out and places that have outdoor amenities (searches in the “Play” category on Airbnb have doubled)
  • Slow travel - not having strict itineraries and taking your time to explore a new place
  • Attending community events that happen while you’re in town (72% of travelers want to support local communities they travel to!)
  • Traveling solo (54% of travelers are looking to travel solo in the next year)
  • Visiting “second cities” or destination dupes - having similar experiences at a less expensive, closer destination rather than abroad or a place that is very popular
  • Hiking, watching wildlife and being mindful of your surroundings
  • Traveling to see your favorite artist perform live and staying for a couple days (44% of US travelers would fly short haul to see a concert)
  • Booking a trip based off one restaurant you want to visit (47% of US travelers have done this)
  • Planning trips to places that were featured in TV shows or movies (29% of US travelers use film & TV as a source for travel inspiration)
  • Traveling off-the-beaten-path, human-to-nature connection and personalized experiences
  • Sleeping well on your trip and having the ability to relax (49% of US travelers sleep better on vacation and sleeping is one of the top activities for travelers)
  • Trying local cuisine and authentic foods (one of the most popular activities for 27% of US travelers) and asking locals where to eat/what to order


  • Insta-travel - traveling to places based off their Instagramability
  • Over-crowded and touristy destinations and traveling during peak season
  • Eating at chain restaurants while visiting a new place
  • Paying lots of money for an excursion
  • Jam-packed days and strict itineraries
  • Not considering your environmental footprint when traveling and driving/Ubering to each attraction (69% of travelers are actively seeking sustainable travel options)
  • Spending too much time trying to take pictures or on social media rather than living in the moment (+80% increase in “digital detox” searches on Pinterest among Gen Z/Millennial travelers)
  • Predictable experiences and outcomes
  • Not incorporating self-care or wellness in travel plans
  • Large resorts that are wasteful of resources
  • Observing instead of engaging while traveling
  • Turning in early and missing out on new experiences
  • Not making new friends while traveling and ignoring recommendations from locals

So, travelers are yearning for more life-changing experiences and depth in their travels. Rather than seeking out the expected, they want to discover the unexpected and lean into the cultures and communities they visit, while being mindful of their environmental footprint and having the ability to rest and rejuvenate while on vacation. Taking it easy will be all the rage in the next year – thank goodness!

I’ll leave you all with this Anthony Bourdain quote for consideration:

I believe in some basic virtues, you know? Mercy, humility, curiosity, empathy.

Perhaps the travel industry will weave these virtues into its marketing efforts in 2025, as it seems these are what our wanderlusters will be looking to implement in their travels for the next year.

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